
This is a blog about different software development topics that I find interesting, had a hard time finding exactly what I was looking for, or want to reference later.

I'm Sabrina aka Sab. Hopefully you find some use out of this blog.


Recent Posts

Everything You Need to Know About Regex (WIP)

Regex is amazing, super powerful, and is a topic that every programmer need to be familiar with. Regex is short for regular expressions, and it is a string that describes a pattern to be found in other pieces of text.

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Flatten Hierarchical JSON with SQL

JSON is a widely used data format that every developer should know how to read, parse, and manipulate. Maybe I will write a JSON 101 post at a later date, but today we are going to learn how to flatten hierarchical JSON with SQL. I will specifically be using T-SQL for MS SQL Server.

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All Posts


» Flatten Hierarchical JSON with SQL


» Everything You Need to Know About Regex (WIP)


» Azure Gateway

» Python Packaging in Azure DevOps

» Getting to the Basics - Reflection

» Refreshing Excel Pivot Cache Without Excel

» Subscribing/Unsubscribing to Events Using C# Reflection